Authoring Kubernetes Manifests

Kubernetes resources are described by manifests written in YAML. Every object in Kubernetes has a kind, apiVersion, and metadata. Most objects also have a spec.


Metadata declares information used to identify and find resources.

# Kubernetes objects are versioned and grouped. When objects evolve in ways that # aren't backwards compatible, they are released as a new version. apiVersion: apps/v1 # Every Kubernetes object has a kind which declares the type of the resource. kind: Deployment metadata: # Every Kubernetes object has a name, which must be unique within its # namespace for its kind. name: example-web # Labels are used to select relevant resources by deployments and services. labels: # Kubernetes has some recommended labels such as name and component. web production example example # Kubernetes objects are grouped in namespaces. namespace: default # Most objects have a spec that describe the resource being created. spec: # ...


The spec will vary depending on the kind of object.

For information about deploying services, see deploying services.