Deploy Flightdeck

This is an advanced topic for platform engineers.

Flightdeck is a platform for deploying and managing applications on Kubernetes. Flightdeck consists of Terraform modules for deploying a curated set of preconfigured open source projects and AWS products.

The Flightdeck template repository comes with configuration for clusters and the platform.


In order to deploy Flightdeck, you'll first need Kubernetes clusters. On AWS, Flightdeck is designed to deploy to AWS's EKS platform. Flightdeck contains a cluster Terraform module capable of setting up compatible EKS clusters.

Create a root module for each phase of the software development lifecycle to deploy an EKS cluster and managed node groups.

infra/ cluster/ sandbox-v1/ production-v1/


You are now ready to deploy Flightdeck for the sandbox and production clusters using the workload platform module.

infra/ platform/ sandbox-v1/ production-v1/

Once these modules are applied, you can deploy Grafana for monitoring.