Mission Control creates some standard Git repositories for AWS organizations.
Landing Zone
The landing zone repository contains foundational Cloudformation templates and service control policies deployed as a customized package for Customizations for Control Tower. We typically name this repository "organization-landing-zone."
landing-zone/ manifest.yaml policies/ templates/
The infrastructure repository contains Terraform modules for managing cloud resources and Kubernetes Helm charts required for the platform. We name this repository "organization infra."
infra/ cd/ ci/ cicd-common/ cluster/ hosted-zones/ network/ operations-platform/ workload-platform/
Application Repositories
Source code for applications should also be managed in Git. We recommend that each application contain a Dockerfile and buildspec for building Docker images and pushing them to an ECR repository.
Dockerfile buildspec.yaml
Manifest Repositories
For each application repository being deployed, we will create an additional repository containing deployment manifests and configuration values and makes it easy to deploy both using a CI/CD pipeline. This allows us to separate code from configuration. These repositories should be named "application-manifests."
buildspec.yaml bases/ charts/ overlays/