AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager is a service for storing, securing, updating, and accessing secrets like passwords, API keys, and cryptographic certificates. A secret can consist of either a single blob of data, or a JSON object consisting of key value string pairs.

You can use Terraform to provision a Secrets Manager secret to store your secret data.

  • For things like a database URL, we use a Lambda rotation function which creates a new password in the database each month and then updates the secret. (For example, see thoughtbot/terraform-aws-databases/rds-postgres/admin-login)

  • For things like the Rails secret base, we generate a random one in Terraform and populate it there.

    resource "random_password" "secret_key_base" { length = 32 special = false } module "rails_secret" { source = "" description = "Secrets for the Rails application" name = "example-app-secret" initial_value = jsonencode({ SECRET_KEY_BASE = random_password.secret_key_base.result }) }
  • For external tokens that we can't control, we create an empty secret in Terraform (using thoughtbot/terraform-aws-secrets/secret as source) and populate it by hand in AWS Management Console.

    module "prismic_secret" { source = "" description = "Secrets for accessing the Prismic API" name = "example-prismic" initial_value = jsonencode({ # Fill this in using the SecretsManager UI or CLI PRISMIC_ACCESS_TOKEN = "" }) }

Once you’ve safely stored your secret using Secrets Manager, you can add secrets to pods as environment variables or files.